1941 - The Garden of Forking Paths - a short story by Jorge Luis Borges - an inspiration for the concept of hypertext Jul 1945 - As We May Think by Vannevar Bush in The Atlantic Monthly - Introduces the idea of hypertext 1960 - Project Xanadu by Ted Nelson - First hypertext project 1963 - Ted Nelson coins the terms 'hypertext' and 'hypermedia' 1967 - HES (Hypertext Editing System) by Ted Nelson, Andries van Dam, and Brown University students - First hypertext system available on commercial equipment that novices could use Dec 1968 - NLS (oN-Line System) by Douglas Engelbart - Graphical use/demo of hypertext links 1969 - GML (Generalized Markup Language) 1980 - SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) - ENQUIRE by Tim Berners-Lee - A simple hypertext program resembling a wiki Mar 1989 - WWW Project Proposal Dec 1990 - 1st Website (TBL CERN WWW) - 1st Web Browser (WorldWideWeb) - NeXTSTEP, white backgrounds, pointer cursor doesn't change over links, each link opens in a new window, WYSIWYG editor. Mar 1991 - Perl 4 Oct 1991 - HTML Tags (13 tags, 9 persisting) [My Review] - 1st reference to a "Home page" (www-talk) Dec 1991 - 2nd Website (Stanford) - ViolaWWW Browser - "Visually Interactive Object-oriented Language and Application". It's Unix, HyperCard inspired - custom inline images, custom forms, a custom stylesheets implementation, a custom scripting language, a custom frames implementation Feb 1992 - 3rd Website (Dutch National Institute) Jun 1992 - www-talk mailing list blows up Jul 1992 - 1st Pic on the Web (Cernettes) Dec 1992 - MacWWW (Samba) - first Mac browser,though it's text-based. Code borrowed from line mode browser to Think-C. 1992 - 50-60 websites Jan 1993 - NCSA X Mosaic 0.5 - For Unix (X/Motif) - First use of the term "web site" Mar 1993 - NCSA Mosaic 0.9 - JPEG support (linked) - NCSA Mosaic 0.10 - IMG tag (inline gif images) Apr 1993 - Marc Andreesen posts "A Beginner's Guide to HTML" Jun 1993 - NCSA Mosaic 1.1 - Image map support, cite, blockquote, var - RFC for Stylesheets for HTML - First Proposal for HTML spec (52 tags) [My Review] - Cello - First web browser for Windows Jul 1993 - First reference to a "Homepage" - HTML+ spec draft Sep 1993 - NCSA Mosaic for Windows 0.5a Nov 1993 - NCSA Mosaic 2.0 - Fill-out forms, br, hr - NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh 1.0 - NCSA Mosaic for Windows 1.0 - HTML+ (92 tags) [My Review] Dec 1993 - CGI 1993 - 623 websites (including MTV, Wired, Bloomberg, IMDB) Jan 1994 - NCSA Mosaic for Windows 2.0 alpha 1 Feb 1994 - robots.txt Apr 1994 - Mosaic Communications incorporated (Jim Clark & Andreessen) - NCSA Mosaic for X 2.4 - Last meaningful Unix version Jun 1994 - NCSA Mosaic for Mac 2.0 alpha 1 - Editable URL bar (hidden by default) - SPRY AIR Mosaic - First commercial NCSA Mosaic product (can type URL directly into URL bar, in-app options, big colorful toolbar buttons, stop button, pretty throbber, links are underlined) - NCSA Mosaic for Windows 2.0 alpha 5 - Editable URL bar Jul 1994 - NCSA Mosaic for Windows 2.0 alpha 6 - UI change to single editable address bar Aug 1994 - First web pizza orders (PizzaNet by Pizza Hut/SCO in Santa Cruz) - Spyglass Mosaic - Second commercial NCSA Mosaic product, OEM versions [Enhanced/Ventana/Luckman/PATHWORKS etc Mosaic], etc), multi-platform new code base (licensed only name and tech from NCSA) Sep 1994 - First NetScape betas (0.4-0.6) - See pages and images as they load (modem optimization) Sep 1994 - Netscape HTML Extensions Oct 1994 - Netscape 0.9 - inline jpegs, cookies (undocumented) - Perl 5 Nov 1994 - HTML 2 draft - Arena (browser) - background images, tables, text flow around images 1994 - 10,000 websites Mar 1995 - Netscape 1.1 - tables, background images (background, bgcolor) Apr 1995 - HTML 3 draft May 1995 - MySQL Jun 1995 - PHP Aug 1995 - Internet Explorer Sep 1995 - Netscape 2 - Javascript, Java, frames, font colors, div, looping animated GIF, super/sub-script, plug-ins Oct 1995 - Internet Explorer 2 Nov 1995 - HTML 2 standard 1995 - Macromedia Shockwave Plug-in Mar 1996 - IE 3 - CSS Aug 1996 - Netscape 3 Dec 1996 - CSS1 standard Jan 1997 - HTML 3 standard Apr 1997 - IE 4 Jun 1997 - Netscape 4 (Communicator) Nov 1997 - CSS2 Dec 1997 - HTML 4 standard Jun 1998 - IE 5 Aug 1998 - Flash Jun 1999 - CSS3 Jun 2005 - Sitemaps Jan 2008 - HTML 5 draft Oct 2014 - HTML 5 standard